Most of us know what a snow leopard looks like.
But have you ever seen an actual snow leopard in real life?
Executive Producer of Nature, Fred Kaufman, loves to ask this question—and to remind people that public media is a window to the natural world that most of us would otherwise never experience.
Public media is a place to learn about the history and culture of people in our local community and all over the world, as well as to engage in tolerant and civil discussion about important issues.
Public media fosters the arts by presenting world-class performances, supporting local musicians and artists and inspiring curious minds with invaluable educational resources.
Public media is public. There are countless examples that demonstrate the true impact and reach—made accessible to all regardless of income, age, or location.
Remember, most people are not giving to the station but through the station.
Think of the content that is produced in the form of programs, music, and other resources as vehicles for the mission and a tangible representation of the station’s community impact.
Brand education and awareness begins with marketing and is reinforced by membership fundraising communications. If fundraisers are tasked with educating and establishing the case in every appeal, it distracts from the timeliness of a campaign and the direct call to action.
Both marketing and membership departments should collaborate to craft consistent messages that help answer the question as to why someone should support local public media and—during these challenging times for our world—why now?
Let NextGen Help
We’re here to help your organization coordinate marketing and membership programs, align strategy, cultivate donors, and build a case for sustained support. Contact us today.