As your organization is hard at work preparing campaign communications, many of you will leverage Match Campaigns at certain times of year to entice donors who are looking to make the most of their gift.  

So the question is, in a world of 2x, 3x, and–yep, we’ve seen it–8x offers, how do you stand out and connect with your donor audiences?   

Language is extremely powerful in creating a strong donor experience. Keep reading for some tips to strategically boost your matching gift opportunity across all channels.  

Tip #1: Use Passive Voice 

Though it goes against everything our English teachers taught us, match language is the one instance where passive voice is the stronger option.  

Avoid using “Double Your Gift/Impact. ”Instead, use “Your Gift/Impact Doubled.” The first option can be interpreted as asking the donor to step up and double their contribution. You want them to understand that there’s no extra lift required on their end.  

Tip #2: Do the Math

When you state “match your gift dollar for dollar,” include additional language to clarify what that means. For instance, you can say, “We’ll match your gift dollar for dollar. That means your gift of $150 will double in value to $300.” You can also use smaller amounts based on segments (e.g., “$15 will double in value to $30”). 

This helps donors “see” the value of the match and—based on segmentation—a higher suggested gift can increase gift averages for a campaign.  

Tip #3: Consider Donor UX

You may feel pressure to include sponsoring donor information if they are a prestige (lifetime commitment to your mission) or celebrity (increased engagement with name recognition) or if it is a requirement of the match (contractual obligations with corporate partnerships).

If none of the above apply, avoid specifically mentioning another/anonymous “donor,” as this creates friction for the individual donor. Instead, frame this as a special matching gift opportunity for the organization.  

Tip #4: Reinforce Your Offer 

When crafting match messaging, repeat the deadline and match opportunity. Ideally, you should strive to repeat the match offer/deadline at least twice. It’s also best practice to include a match-related call-to-action (CTA) on the button. (But remember: Passive Voice!) 

Try to always include <NAME> in the sentence containing a CTA. Studies show that: (1) our eyes are drawn to our own name, and (2) with this placement, the donor already envisions themselves in the action of giving. 

Let NextGen Help 

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