Generating or lifting response rates is always a challenge and will take more than just writing inspiring copy or highlighting existing benefits. Here’s a checklist to go through for all direct mail campaigns to  help lift response rates on any direct mail package: 

#1: Create an envelope with value offered teaser copy, something that will quickly grab attention and foretell value. 

#2: An envelope without the name of a company is preferred, as it helps keep the prospect from prejudging the mailer (particularly for acquisition). 

#3: The back of an OE is valuable real estate, use it for relevant images or to tease benefits inside. 

#4: Letters with appropriate imagery, including Johnson boxes, pull quotes, lifestyle pictures, graphs and/or charts, will outperform letters without. 

#5: Does your letter have a “Hero?” Letters from an authoritative, well-known, or relevant individual will always out-pull an unknown entity. 

#6: Make sure the letter is “you-oriented,” speaking to what your offer will do for the reader. 

#7: The response device is also valuable for real estate. “postmaster, please hurry” or “for immediate processing” can help stress the urgency and lift response. 

#8: Adding a lift note to help restate value, highlight benefits, or counter objections is another strong device to include. 

#9: Lifestyle images tend to work best and always ensure your images of people closely resemble your target audience. 

#10: Don’t ask your reader to respond…Tell them to respond and show them how with a strong call to action! 

#11: Always include a P.S. The postscript is often the most read component of a mail piece and can determine whether the reader continues. Use it for relevant information, and offers, or to restate your CTA.
#12: Have your work proofed by a 3rd party so grammatical errors, misspellings, incorrect salutations,  etc. are eliminated.

#13: Drive your responders to a dedicated landing page, never to the home page or website. Ensure your landing page looks like and supports your mailer, with clearly stated offers, response mechanisms,  phone numbers, and data capture. The most effective pages will include videos and thank-you notes.

Bonus Options:

  • Often times a pre-cancelled stamp will outperform an indicia and should always be tested. 
  • Handwritten fonts for addressing often outperform lasered addresses. It’s worth testing, particularly in continuity mailings.

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